What are the costs for hiring a room or hall at De Schalm?

This differs per event. De Schalm offers many different options to organize your event. Our rates therefore depend on the type of event, which rooms you want to use and what your technical requirements are. For more information, please contact evenementen@deschalm.com or 040-2541187. The more detailed your request, the more targeted our offer!

Can I place an option without obligation?

Yes, this is possible. You can take an option on a room for a maximum of 7 days. In addition, it is always possible to take a guided tour, so that you can get an even better picture of our theater.

Can I bring my own catering?

No, this is not possible. The in-house restaurant D'n Burgemister is happy to provide catering for you and your guests. Bringing external caterers or taking care of your own catering is not allowed.

What are the parking facilities?

There are plenty of parking options around the theatre. Parking facilities are available at the Repel car park (day ticket for € 4). In addition, we can provide day tickets for the Geer parking garage at € 4 per day. Parking is free in the evening, with the exception of Friday evenings after 18:00.  There is a blue zone around the Schalm. You can park there for free for the first 2 hours. 

Can De Schalm be reached by public transport?

Yes, De Schalm is certainly easy to reach by public transport. From the station in Eindhoven, several buses stop near our theater. The lines you can use are 402 and 14, these stop right next to the Schalm (bus stop Heemweg/Centrum). Line 15 stops at a five-minute walk from our theatre (CityCentrum bus stop). 

Do you have another question?

For more information, please contact evenementen@deschalm.com of 040-2541187.